On July 31, 2024

Re-elect Clarkson and White

Dear Editor,

I’m writing in support of my State Senate colleagues, Alison Clarkson and Becca White, who are seeking Democratic nominations for re-election to represent the Windsor County District. We’ve worked together to make life better for Vermonters with economic development, a higher minimum wage, childcare, family leave, and school meals. We’ve worked for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We’ve protected children’s rights to quality public schools and libraries. We’ve supported every woman’s right to reproductive autonomy and the underlying principle of personal rights free from government intrusion. We’ve supported efforts to combat the drug epidemic. We’ve been a team protecting our environment. 

I also know them personally, and attest to their competence and integrity. Alison Clarkson is tireless, enthusiastic, efficient, and effective. She’s a take charge organizer and leader, and a great booster of good policies and good people. Her “Woo Hoo” energizes every rally. 

As a mature, experienced veteran legislator, Becca White is much the same person I first knew when she was a high school student in my Community College history class. She’s smart, informed, passionately committed, results focused, and effective.

As I complete my years of public service, I’ll miss working with these team mates, but I’m confident I’m leaving things in good hands. Clarkson and White belong in the State Senate.

Senator Dick McCormack, Bethel

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