On June 5, 2024

‘Time we stopped, hey,what’s that sound? Everybody look what’s going down’

Dear Editor,

The movement to stop Israel’s murderous campaign against Palestinian civilians is up against the entire American military/industrial/congressional complex and assorted American war/death culture allies like AIPAC, The Heritage Foundation, and Fox News. Leaders of the most powerful American institutions and major party presidential candidates Donald Trump and Joe Biden want to continue official participation in genocide. 

The American war/death culture hates the ethical compassion of the young.

The U.S. spends more on its military than the next 10 highest nations combined while maintaining 750 military bases in other countries. The U.S. continues to lead the nuclear arms race on a path to planetary annihilation — 62% of the federal discretionary budget last year went to militarized programs and projects. 

The U.S. spends more on its military than the next 10 highest nations combined.

In 1967 Martin Luther King Jr. described this country’s military spending as a demonic, destructive suction tube siphoning off huge amounts of money and resources away from human needs and societal problem solutions along with exacerbating and escalating foreign internal and external conflicts. The American war/death culture hates the ethical compassion of the young.

With transcendental wisdom, this spring’s student uprisings have rejected narcotic conformity as a lethal anesthetic and ignited a youth movement toward clarity and sanity while declaring the American war machine and its stockholders as repugnant and completely unacceptable. 

Ralph Corbo, 


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