On March 13, 2024

Thanks to the Killington community


Dear Editor,

Last week’s elections recorded a historic turnout.  

I would like to thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules and heading to the polls to cast your votes. With your active participation, the results confirmed that 40% of the community share my views. 

I would also like to congratulate Jim Haff on defending his seat on the Select Board. I am hoping that we can all work together to look past our differences for the benefit of the entire Killington community.

To be able to accomplish that plan, I would like to be even more involved within the town governance. I have submitted a Letter of Intent for a seat on the Town Planning Commission to continue to ensure you are represented at the town level. Our government’s duty is to work for the people, and I will make sure that everyone’s voice is heard and no one is ignored.  

Your continued support and active participation is necessary for our town to succeed. 


Andrew Gieda,


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