On December 25, 2014

Horoscopes for December 18 – December 24, 2014

Cal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.





Horoscopes for December 18 – December 24, 2014


March 21 – April 20

Get ready for everything to turn a corner. God knows how this will work out from person to person, but you’ve got some heavy hitters shaking up your reality structure. Whatever it looks like today, could change on a dime. Between what it’s taken to get here, and the issues that have cropped up in the meantime, the idea that things could change is either totally lost on you, or, you’re 100% ready for anything but this. Take care of the people and things that mean the most to you, and keep an eye on the signs as the latest clue to the new direction reveals itself to you.


April 21 – May 20

The opportunist in you is just part of the scenery. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with knowing how to turn everything to your advantage, but once you cross the line that only sees it that way, the Law of Karma will inevitably cut you down. It’s for sure that you are an important part of whatever’s going on. Your input and skills are invaluable. Where you fall down is in the place that causes you to calculate and  be strategic. The minute you turn that switch, you stop ‘Being there’, and this denies the fact that life is always there to support those of us who let it be.


May 21 – June 20

Someone or something has you by the shorthairs and you are looking for a way to get around it. If all of this seems totally unfair, I can see why it looks that way to you. Before you go around whining about the fact that you’ve been taken for a ride, check in long enough to see what you did to create this mess. Finding ways to buttress your position, or protect your interests could be more trouble than it’s worth. At this point, you’d do better to cut your losses and move on. Whatever’s yanking your chain is bigger than you are, and sometimes you just gotta call it quits.


June 21 – July 20

You are the one around which everything seems to revolve. The need to stick around and be the Mother Hen doesn’t leave too much room for anything else. As you contemplate the possibilities that lie outside of this little box you’ve created, on the days that it makes more sense to stay here you are totally content. As far as that goes, it takes a lot to be OK with this; you aren’t as sure about any of it as you used to be. The bigger part of you has come to the conclusion that it may not be your choice. There’s every reason to believe that you are the only one who can fix this.


July 21 – August 20

The next time someone comes along to charm your pants off, give yourself more than two seconds to check out their credentials. With a little too much trust you can go overboard giving people more credit than they deserve. These words of caution apply as much to your close family members as they do to others. Buoyed up by recent events the Honeymoon effect could soon be replaced by whatever happens when the coach turns into a pumpkin. On other fronts, everything is on the line. It’s always that way with you; this time, it could be just what the doctor ordered.


August 21–September 20

You don’t know if this is going to work. You’ve been at it so long, it almost doesn’t matter. If what’s on your plate doesn’t fly you know for sure that you’ll keep going, one way or another. It would be great if you didn’t have to morph into a workaholic to survive, but at this point, who cares? Whatever it takes is your forte. At the end of the day something in you knows that all of your struggles amount to something that is greater than the sum of its parts. As you venture deeper into the next stretch of the gauntlet, stay true to your higher self and keep the faith.


September 21 – October 20

LIBRA: September 21 – October 20
You are about to turn a corner. After months of stuff that would drive anyone else to the brink, something good has come along to give you a lift. You could be so tired from having to hold it together you almost forgot that the Universe is doing everything with your best interests in mind. Something appeared on the screen about a week ago. Whatever it is, it has restored your faith in the thought that some things DO get better. The idea of EXPANSION is all over you. So is the idea that continued patience in your dealings with others will be worth whatever it costs you.


October 21 – November 20

Now that the stakes are getting higher, all of a sudden you could care less! This will work out favorably for you, believe it or not. You’re in a situation where the politics are off the charts. Whether it’s the politics of love, or the politics of money and power, centrifugal forces that are beyond your control make you wonder if you need to call a lawyer – or an analyst; at this point it’s a tossup for many of you. As the intensity of things calls you to set your boundaries a little tighter don’t close yourself off to love, or to the ones who actually know who you are.


November 21 – December 20

The need to focus on other people’s problems at a time when your own issues are flaring up has got you wondering who turned you into an EMT? Gods knows how this is playing out in your world but if anything, you’re beginning to see how being there for anyone is more of a chore when you can’t even manage your own stuff. This has a lot to do with knowing where to draw the line and being honest about what you want. Don’t wait till everything boils over to call a truce or a time out. You’ve got too much weight on your shoulders to need one more ounce of BS


December 21 – January 20

The rock and the hard place has never felt quite like this. If you’re having fun with it, it’s only because you finally had the courage to pull your head out of your butt and get on with the show. Those close to you are having a hard time making sense of anything, let alone what’s going on with you. Your standards are so damn high the only cure for it is to shake things up. At times like this, the need to keep it all looking ‘the way it should’ is oxymoronic. Let it rip. Screw your reputation, stop the madness. Do whatever it takes to return this situation to a state of integrity.


January 21 – February 20

It hard to know what to say to you guys. Between those of you who are totally eccentric and off the wall, and those of you who have always been President of the Student Council, there’s a lot of ground to cover. At this point the energy level is high enough to keep you interested in a situation that has become stale. The next few weeks will give you a chance to invigorate what appears to be in need of a transfusion. More love and more money could do the trick; but the best things in life are free. You’d could use a break and little more face time with the ones you love.


February 21 – March 20

It’s great to be open but it’s stupid to give people more credit than they deserve. You’re in a situation that requires more discernment than you came in with. As much as you’re totally sure everyone’s on the same page, you will soon find out that their stories don’t jibe with what actually happens when it comes time to get real. This is one of those times when you have to be acutely aware of other people and their bullshit. Before you let anyone run you around, have the foresight to see that everything they tell you will change the minute they get their foot in the door.

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