On November 25, 2014

Option tax repeal needs more time; business community should step up

Dear Editor,

First, I would like to thank The Mountain Times for printing my concerns with regard to the repealing of the option tax. Secondly, I attended Tuesday’s select board meeting and much to my disappointment the attendance by local residents was sparse, to say the least, with such an important issue on the agenda. However many of those who attended made significant arguments. Notably Chas Demarest, Vito Rasenas, David & Diane Rosenblum, Jim Haff and Bernie Rome.

What I took away from this meeting was the feeling that the repealing of the option tax for Killington’s benefit and for the town to support their summer venues should be tabled until we see if Killington puts their money where their mouth is.

But one issue was overlooked by all: Why haven’t the local businessman, including the Real Estate people, who have a load of inventory for sale, gotten together to figure out what could be done to increase summer business with substantial events, instead of these nickel and dime venues we have in place now. Every resort has a brewfest, wine fest, chili contest etc., etc., etc. I’m sure there are bigger and better ideas out there. Let’s get together and try to make our summers as important as our winters.
Richard Kropp, Killington

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