On November 19, 2014

Giving the Gift of Life is easier than ever with the 12 Days of Giving

Dear Editor,

With Thanksgiving around the corner, we’re entering a time of year that is often a period of reflection and optimism, highlighted locally by the approach of the Gift-of-Life Marathon.

Growing up, my mother taught by example, and one of the lessons was about the importance of donating blood. She was unable to donate, though as a nurse she volunteered regularly and worked with the Red Cross coordinating community blood drives.

When I moved to Rutland in 2007, I was struck by how easy it was to participate as the entire community seemed connected to the Red Cross. Blood drives, including the GOLM, were a big part of community life. I continued to volunteer, and for the first time, I donated blood at a CVPS employee blood drive. I’ve participated in employee blood drives and the GOLM ever since.

That connection has been at the heart of the Gift-of-Life Marathon’s success, and is one of the things I love about Rutland. As an alderman, I’ve seen this community pull together when the chips are down, and when a challenge lies ahead. How else can you explain the national record set last year?

I have already made my appointment for the Gift-of-Life’s 2014 version, the 12 Days of Giving. The drive connects my family lessons on community, holiday tradition, and the best of the Rutland region, and I encourage your readers to join me by calling 800-RED-CROSS today.

Melinda Humphrey, Rutland City

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