On February 27, 2019

Vote for Lisa Ryan

Dear Editor,

I am writing in enthusiastic support of Lisa Ryan’s reelection to the Rutland City Board of Aldermen. I have known Lisa Ryan since she was a student in the Rutland City Public Schools (RHS 2007) and recognized her strong character and sense of service even as a young woman. Lisa holds a BA in psychology from Temple University and an MS in mediation from Champlain College, both with Honors.

Lisa is committed to her home town and the greater Rutland Region and has been recognized as such with such honors as the Vermont Business Magazine’s Rising Star in 2017, the 2018 Rutland Young Professional of the Year, and Evolve Rutland Women’s History Honoree in 2018. She has just been appointed serve on the Vermont Commission on Women, representing Southern Vermont. Lisa is a community leader on issues including advocacy and leadership, education, racial and economic justice, and is a founding member of the Rutland Area NAACP.. She is employed by BROC as the program manager of the Rutland County Community Justice Center. Lisa brings her stellar academic and professional experience into her work on the Board of Aldermen.

Lisa was first elected to the Rutland City Board of Aldermen in 2017 and currently is seeking reelection. In her two short years on the Board, she has served on six committees and has devoted countless hours in striving to make Rutland the Best Place to Live, Work and Play in Vermont. Please support Lisa Ryan as she seeks reelection to continue to serve on the Board of Aldermen for the betterment of our Fair City!

Mary E. Moran, Rutland

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