On December 19, 2018

Thank you to craft fair volunteers

Dear Editor,

On Saturday, Nov. 17, the Pittsford Recreation Department sponsored the annual holiday craft sale in the Lothrop Gym and downstairs in the cafeteria. The Recreation Department would like to recognize Kelly Connaughton, the craft fair coordinator. Thank you very much for all your hard work you put into the Craft Fair events the past four years. Each fall she volunteers many, many countless hours to make certain that each event is a huge success for all. Thank you, Kelly!

New in 2018 was Sara’s Stories that ran their third annual chili cook off in the Lothrop School Cafeteria with the Craft Fair for the first time. Reports were that Sara Stories doubled the amount raised! Kelly Connaughton said “So happy to have both groups benefit!.”

In all there were 38 paid vendors. All registration fees directly go to the Pittsford Christmas for Kids. About $570 was donated to the Pittsford Christmas for Kids, formally known as the Santa Fund. Thank you to all the crafters who signed up this year!

Thank you to Debbie Alexander, Lothrop School principal, for allowing the Recreation Department to host the Craft Fair at Lothrop Elementary School.

Randy Adams,
Pittsford Recreation Director

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