On October 30, 2014

Gallivan: Invest in a future

Dear Editor,
It is time once again for the voters of Bridgewater, Chittenden, Killington and Mendon to decide on representation in Montpelier. As your current representative, I want to use my experience to work with a strong voice.
My views align best with a Democratic party platform, but I have voted with an independent voice a number of times in recognition of local impacts to my district. I have relied on constituent voices to inform me beyond the debate in Montpelier.
It is easy to fall into a belief that voting “no” on any spending is the answer to affordability, but the healthy road forward is more complex.
Our recovery from recession and Tropical Storm Irene is now under way, and our investments in infrastructure is one way toward a growing economy. Accessible child care, universal Pre-K and a higher minimum wage will allow for greater self-sufficiency, while dollars return to our local businesses.
Yes, the pressures of property taxes are real, but yes, the legislature is committed to work with local school boards and towns to diminish the increases in education funding, while assuring student opportunities and success.
And though our health care future feels uncertain, we have the chance to liberate employers and workers from the tether of ever-growing health care insurance costs as we have experienced over the past decade. With single payer, businesses and workers will find new freedom to focus on personal and economic growth.
My re-election will assure you a committed, thoughtful approach to problem solving that includes input from all voters. Keep me working for you, and with you, by voting for me on November 4th.
Representative Anne Gallivan, Rutland-Windsor 1

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