On October 30, 2014

Rutland County Constituents will benefit with William “Tracy” Carris

Dear Editor,
Politics can be hard to understand, the amount of time it takes to make a decision can take years. This has got to stop, we must make more streamlined regulations and have the ability to adapt them if/when the time comes. Many of the laws and regulations in place today hinder growth and productivity in the country, state let alone our counties and towns.
When it comes to taking a stance in something and sticking with it we should demand that those we put into office will listen to the people of their party, region and most of all not waiver from their own beliefs. These are the traits that I believe William ‘Tracy’ Carris has.
He is NOT afraid to speak his mind, has strong beliefs about pressing issues in our county and State Government. The tradition he carries forward is that of generations before him. The family values and family legacy is one that should be admired as the family is not only business savvy but also philanthropic, working hard to keep local traditions going and grow new enterprises while seeking out the best in artistic, cultural and educational opportunities available to the county, state and beyond.
I know William “Tracy” Carris and his family personally and have worked alongside many of them in various capacities to bring new and exciting opportunities to the Rutland area. I will, and hope you do too, vote for Carris on November 4th because he will speak up for what our county needs. He will listen to the people and stand his ground in the State Senate working for the betterment of Rutland County so our kids have a future we can be proud of.
Erin L.  Shimp, Rutland

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