On August 15, 2018

Horoscopes for August 8th – 14th, 2018

Cal Garrison Mother of the Skye weekly HoroscopesCal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

Want to hear more from Mother of the Skye?
Check out Mother’s Celestial Inspirations for a deeper look into this weeks horoscopes

Mother of the Skye has 40 years of experience as an astrologer and tarot consultant.
She may be reached by email to cal.garrison@gmail.com

Horoscopes for August 8th – 14th, 2018


March 21 – April 20

You have it all. In so many ways, no matter how it looks, and even if you’re a “Legend in your own mind,” you’ve got more power than the rest of us. The part of you that knows this is less aware of how to wield it. And what happens on the back end is what’s at issue right now. All kinds of people want a chunk of your time, or your ass. Pardon my French but, too much is on the line. If you lose yourself to the agendas and manipulations of others your best efforts won’t be enough to save what could very well turn out to be the most important choice you’ll ever make


April 21 – May 20

You are coming into your own and ready to assume your true identity. It’s as if the sleeper cell that has been there since Day One, is getting lit up. Within this state of affairs it will be necessary to surrender to the unknown and leave the past behind. Those closest to you are already blown away by all of this. Some of them will go through hell and high water to keep things as they are. Others will shun you – and there will be a few who understand that your transformation is about to awaken them too. It’s time to shed your skin. Do your best to remain open.


May 21 – June 20

You are up in the air, wondering which way things are going to go. Getting squared away has tested all of your reserves. At an impasse, it’s always hard to take action, one way or another. There is more to this than you can see. Give it time to work its way to the surface and do whatever it takes to reclaim yourself. The truth about what’s happening will reveal itself soon. Lose your strategies and let the forces that guide you get around the parts of you that came here for this lesson. Resistance is natural in situations like this. Keep an eye on what it does to you.


June 21 – July 20

Grace under pressure is the name of the game, right now. You are a champ when it comes to dispensing unconditional love. In your current situation, the need to be percent there for someone or something has got you wondering why you put yourself through it. Many of you are in a state of suspended animation, waiting for things to rise or fall, with no clue where they will turn up. What can I say? All of us are here to bear witness to our circumstances and accept “What is.” Yes this moment is huge. There are no words, and any prescription you find must be written from within.


July 21 – August 20

To be a little clearer than you were a month ago has taught you that time heals everything. Most of you have a hard time letting go and your recent issues have created experiences that have forced you to look that particular item right in the face. As things have progressed you appear to be more in charge of the energies that make you spin off center every time your abandonment and rejection trips force you to return to yourself. If you have figured out how to aim toward things that reinforce your inner strength you will continue to make the best of a difficult time.


August 21 – September 20

Too many people want too much at a time when you’re totally tapped out. It’s getting hard to know how much you really need to be putting out. There is even the thought that you might be better off blowing this clam bake and getting on with some of the things you’d rather be doing. The sense of obligation is huge. No one could fault you for feeling dutiful about all of this, but your perspective leans too heavily in that direction. So much so that the bigger part of me is here to say, “It’s insane to keep playing the parent in a situation where everyone needs to grow up!”


September 21 – October 20

To be on the safe side you’ll be better off keeping your foot in the door; to break ties completely would deny the fact that some of what’s left here is still working for you. The next new thing looks as good, or better, than what you’ve got going on right now – but circumstances are shaky and you would be foolish to risk it all for things that are subject to the whim of fate or the whims of those who you hardly know. Without burning any bridges and without rushing this, keep exploring the possibilities and consider what a whole new scene might do to expand your possibilities.


October 21 – November 20

Too many things have opened up for you to think that anything needs to stay the same. The tendency to stick to it has to be balanced with equal parts of flexibility. When your mind and your heart are on a new track, one that doesn’t involve dancing to anyone’s tune but your own, it’s impossible to go back to whatever it is that needs to fit in with the rest of the herd. If I were you I’d forget about the master plan and begin to trust the voice that keeps telling you it wants out, or it wants something other than the standard prescription; don’t resist the impulse to change.


November 21 – December 20

I am here to tell you that it’s safe to get on with the show. This could include, letting go, starting all over again, and/or taking the bull by the horns and going for it. Don’t let fear and money considerations stand in the way. If there appear to be blocks, know that they are there to test your ability to trust the guidance that you are receiving from within. Joy is the operative word these days. The sense that you need any further proof before you let go and let God, is insane. It’s definitely time to ’86 every ounce of negativity and make room for your truer visions to take off.


December 21 – January 20

The wind in your sails is over the top. Toning it down will be hard. The idea that you’re about to hit it big, overcompensates for deep seated doubts. It’s fine to shoot for the Moon, but going too far too fast gets us nowhere. Getting real about the gap between you and whatever you don’t want to hear, will bring you down to earth. If this is real, it will keep. It all comes down to being true to yourself. Take heed: if your actions are laced with ego, fear, jealousy, and/or an appetite for more of what you already have, the Karma police will soon remind you what comes and goes around.


January 21 – February 20

It’ll be a few more weeks before the fruits of your labor come to life. In the meantime, forces that give you cause to doubt yourself will be all over the place. This is what happens when our dreams come to the moment of realization. It will help you to keep that thought in mind and remain humble enough to keep praying. As time gives way to the next thing, the trials of the last year or so will evaporate in the face of what has always been true. In just a few months this test will be over. Keep your shoulder to the wheel and your eye on what matters more than anything.


February 21 – March 20

You’ve been nursing the same idea forever. What has yet to come to pass has more to do with your happiness than you think it does. There are fears that have you wondering how safe it is to change your approach in the middle of things, and deeper concerns that make you think there has to be another way to get where you want to go. If anything you have the right to change your mind. In doing so you could easily find yourself manifesting everything you ever dreamed of. Think on it. This is no time to get picky about the way things unfold on the path to fulfillment.

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