On July 24, 2018

‘Let your right brain run the show’

By Cal Garrison a.k.a. Mother of the Skye

This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Sagittarius Moon. The fact that the Sun entered Leo on July 22, is something we could talk about, but between Mercury turning retrograde, the upcoming ‘Day Out of Time’, and the Heliacal Rising of Sirius, all happening this week, we’ve got bigger fish to fry.

Let’s start with Mercury, which turns Retrograde on July 26th and will stay in that mode until the 19th of August. It’s common knowledge that this phenomenon creates a lot of confusion for us, but when we ask people what we can do to mitigate the craziness, the general consensus is always: expect Murphy’s Law to be operative for the next 2 or 3 weeks and learn to live with it. While there is a portion of truth in this, I like to take the concept one step further.

Mercury governs the thinking mechanisms of the Left Brain. When it moves into its retrograde phase the Left Brain shuts off. Perhaps it’s more accurate to say that the processes that come under the jurisdiction of that part of the brain get unplugged. Because we in the civilized world worship the mind, and spend 99 percent of our time operating out of that aspect of our consciousness, whenever Mercury decides to black out, our lives appear to get complicated by mechanical failures, communication breakdowns, missing time, cancellations, recantations, and scheduling issues that make us nuts. There is a long list of things that come up to create chaos under this influence.

My experience of Mercury Rx has shown me that there is a beautiful method to its madness. There is an expression that goes: “Man make plans and God laughs.” Our plans and ideas come out of our minds. When human beings set things up they tend to think that everything goes in a straight line; we have been educated to think that it’s all going to fall into place just because we want it to.

Under the influence of Mercury retrograde what happens is, the Right Brain comes into play and spends approximately three weeks fine tuning and adding her two-cents to our best laid plans. All the mechanical breakdowns, communication gaps, and missed appointments function to redirect us into a “plan” that works. If we can learn how to relax under this influence, instead of getting all rigid and uptight about whatever we thought our big ideas were going to get us, the female side of the brain can enter the picture and redesign the plan to be much more interesting and creative than whatever we had in mind.

The trick to getting through any Mercury retrograde period is: get your vehicle fixed before it moves into that phase so you don’t break down on the side of the road, and figure out how to spend the next three weeks letting your right brain run the show. This means:

Trust your intuition implicitly; don’t second guess it

Let your instincts guide you

Don’t get hung up on your big ideas or your best laid plans; open the space for something more miraculous to occur

Let your higher self enter the picture and show your ego how to lighten up and let go

Moving on to the ‘The Day Out of Time:” In both the Mayan and the Egyptian traditions the 25th of July is the annual reset point for everything in creation. On the physical level it marks the date where the rains come to flood the earth and fertilize the soil, so that its bounty can continue to nourish and supply us with life. The Day Out of Time is the moment when all of life takes a deep breath and gives itself 24 hours to ‘Be’ in the still point, where everything merges into oneness, long enough for us to see where we’re at and emerge from that point with a clear vision for the future.

As far as the Heliacal Rising of Sirius goes, Sirius is the brightest star in the heavens. It is the home of the Cosmic Christ for the entire galaxy. Another way to put it would be to say that it is the Earth’s Higher Self. As its rays line up to arc onto our planet via the Sun, we have a golden opportunity to merge and become one with the highest and best aspects of ourselves. This event occurs at different moments in time, depending on where we live. On the day that Sirius rises in your part of the world, go out at dawn, look to the east, and let yourself be filled with that which serves the highest aspects of your being.

As Mercury prepares to ignite the right side of the brain, and the Day Out of Time opens the space to fertilize our choices for the coming year, and the Heliacal Rising of Sirius showers the planet with enough light to awaken the soul to the Christed being that lives inside every man, woman and child, consider your place in the scheme of things, give thought to what it might mean to use the Heart of the Leo Sun to breathe new life into every aspect of your experience, keep walking your talk at all times, and take what you can from this week’s ‘scopes.

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