On February 1, 2018

Pot bill endangers children

Dear Editor,

Governor Scott has signed H.511, making Vermont the first state, by legislative process, to legalize pot for recreational use. On July 1, it will be permissible to possess one ounce of pot and store an unlimited quantity harvested from two mature plants.

If the governor’s oft expressed requirement that children must be protected in situations from pot exposure by adults is sincere, why didn’t he insist on their protection in homes where exposure will likely occur? He boasts of requiring provisions making it criminal for “using marijuana in a motor vehicle with a child present” and for “using and growing marijuana at facilities servicing children” but not in the homes where marijuana is grown, used,  and stored in unlimited, uncontrolled amounts!

The governor’s personal belief “that what adults do behind closed doors and on private property is their choice, so long as it does not negatively impact the health and safety of others, especially children” are empty words. Children have little or no control over their home environment and what they are exposed to.

Harvested quantities vary due to plant size, growing conditions and skill of the grower.  One plant can produce five pounds of pot. Representative Cynthia Browning offered an amendment to limit the allowed accumulation to two pounds, but that was defeated in a House vote. What should have been a child health and safety red light for the governor was ignored.

Even two pounds of pot produces up to 1,000 joints, but under H.511, no such quantity limit exists. With pot stockpiles in homes, Vermont will, as Colorado does now, experience home invasions, diversion, and sale as well as access for children. A play day at a friend’s house can be a real health and safety threat for that visiting child.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, is commonly put in edibles, such as soda pop, brownies, lollipops and gummy bears. Such products are a lure to children. THC in pot in the 1960s-1990s was 1-3 percent but now is 15-18 percent and even higher in concentrates that can have 100 percent THC. High potency THC causes psychosis, suicides, murders, and other violent acts as well as impaired driving.

Former Governor Jim Douglas said no good reason exists for legalization. Governor Scott had a reason. He promised someone he would support it. Why, when H.511 is a child endangerment bill? By supporting it, he ignored the urging of seven Vermont medical organizations, law enforcement, educators, the Vermont Department of Health, and the head of the state police, who said more people will die if this becomes law, and he even ignored the teachings of his marijuana commission.

How a governor of Vermont, having been fully informed, whose sworn duty it is to protect the citizens, could flout federal law that makes possession illegal, and put citizens and their children at risk to be injured and die as a result, is incomprehensible!

, Randolph

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