On February 1, 2018

CSJ Provider Program looking for work

Dear Editor,

Over the past week, College of St. Joseph students arrived back on campus after their winter holiday break and began adjusting to their new class schedules. In addition to classes, students are gearing up for another successful semester of giving back to their local community.

Within CSJ’s Provider Scholarship Program, students are required to complete a minimum of fifteen hours of community service each semester, along with several other career preparedness requirements associated with our campus and the community. This semester, planned are increased partnerships and service hours, a full semester of campus community events and making new friends.

During the fall semester, CSJ’s Provider Program built several new partnerships in the Rutland area, including the Downtown Rutland Partnership, BROC Community Action, Rutland ARC, Habitat for Humanity and more. Students will work with the new partnerships over the coming months, along with several of our repeated organizations from past years such as Vermont Achievement Center, Everybody Wins! of Rutland, Rutland Community Cupboard, Bardwell House, and Loretto Home.

CSJ Provider Program’s goal is to continue to reach new businesses and organizations within the Rutland area each semester while continuing to create positive impacts within the local community. Our students have a variety of different placement volunteer opportunities. In most cases, students dedicate their Wednesday schedules to volunteer work on a weekly basis. Or students volunteer by need and help during various days and times throughout the semester. In other cases, Provider Scholar students assist in community events such as setting up for Art in the Park, Holiday Festival for the Killington Pico Area Association, The Big Reveal for NewStory Center, WonderPaw Parade, and others.

Provider Scholar students are eager for new opportunities this semester. If your business or organization is in need of volunteers for various projects and opportunities, please reach out to Kimberley Rupe, Community Engagement Coordinator at College of St. Joseph at kimberley.rupe@csj.edu or 802-776-5265.

Kimberley Rupe, Rutland

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