On March 29, 2017

Thanks for supporting Habitat for Humanity

Dear Editor,

I am writing to thank Killington voters for supporting Article 6 of our town budget. Article 6 allocates $500 to Habitat for Humanity of Rutland County. Rutland Habitat is a non-profit organization with no paid staff. Every dollar donated goes directly to the cost of building affordable housing in Rutland County. Habitat is not a handout; it’s a handup. Rutland Habitat builds or renovates simple, decent, energy-efficient homes matching the family size.
Our first house is in Fair Haven. It is now owned by a single mother with two children. That family no longer rents a two-bedroom apartment in Rutland City with the carrying costs of more than $1,000 per month. That mom now pays approximately $550 per month including mortgage, insurance, and taxes. Her mortgage includes 0 percent interest rate for a term of 30 years with no down payment required, but it did require her family to donate 150 hours of sweat equity in refurbishing an existing house.
Rutland Habitat is always seeking volunteers for committee members, board of director members, and of course, “Saturday nail bangers” and construction helpers of all kinds. And we are always seeking qualified home buyers. Our second home will be located at 42 Cleveland Avenue, Rutland City. Construction of a complete new build house is anticipated to begin this Spring.
If you know a family that might qualify as a Rutland Habitat home owner, please contact Rutland Habitat at 802-747-7440 or rutlandhabitat@gmail.com.
Rutland Habitat thanks Killington for helping us.
I am so grateful that Killington’s heart is in the right place.

Andrew Salamon, Killington
Board Member, Habitat for Humanity of Rutland County

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