On March 22, 2017

Horoscopes for March 15th, 2017 – March 21st, 2017

Cal Garrison Mother of the Skye weekly HoroscopesCal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

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Check out Mother’s Celestial Inspirations for a deeper look into this weeks horoscopes

Horoscopes for March 15th, 2017 – March 21st, 2017


March 21 – April 20

In situations like this it’s hard to separate truth from lies. When the gossip gets out of hand it’s best to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and forget about it. You have nothing to gain by feeding into the need to root out whoever’s at fault, and it will take a while before you detach enough to just chalk it up to experience. Avoid anyone who insists on dredging up the past and keep reminding yourself that the old story not only no longer applies, it is no longer of any interest to you. For now letting things be will open the space for a whole new chapter to begin.


April 21 – May 20

You have too much going on and all of it is top priority. Time constraints, and the weight of others who don’t know how to pick up the slack, have only made things crazier. If you can manage to maintain yourself for another week or so, you’ll be able to pull everything together in a way that makes it manageable. At the moment juggling an elephant on the head of a pin appears to be working for you. If others decide to drop out of the race, if deals fall through, and/or outer pressures reveal certain things to be out of the question, consider it a blessing.


May 21 – June 20

You’ve managed to hold your own in the midst of a lot of challenges. At this point, waiting for it to be over is the issue. It might be best if you dig in and prepare yourself for the long haul because whatever the problem is, none of it will get resolved overnight. The relationship situation is calling a lot of you to hold off making any final decisions until you know for sure whether to give up or keep going. Others seem more willing to bend than they have in a long time. Could it be that they’ve finally figured out how to step up to the plate and love you?


June 21 – July 20

You didn’t expect things to go this far, or this well. There’s been just enough external support to get you out of the rut of believing you had no way out. If you can manage to remain flexible, and let go of the need to be the person in charge, what’s about to unfold will make it possible for you to take this project one step further. It could also get much easier for you to connect with the right people. Whatever you do, don’t waste any more time hiding your light under a bushel. As long as you understand that all you have to do is give it everything you’ve got, you will succeed.


July 21 – August 20

Outwardly things look pretty much the same, but something in you is operating from a place that is totally different than where you were at a year or two ago. Others are a little confused by your behavior. It would be much easier for everyone if you could remind them that your desire to grow is by no means a reflection on how you feel about them. As much as it appears as if you are drifting away, this is less about that than it is about finding yourself. It would take so much tension out of the air if you could reassure them that your feelings for them have not changed.


August 21–September 20

You can’t expect others to be anything but themselves. Don’t take this seriously; as much as someone has totally turned the tables on you, they not only don’t have a plan, they didn’t expect you to take them at their word. Things have gotten out of hand because neither one of you knew how to stop the madness. Now that your situation has gone off the cliff, getting back to square one will require a U-turn on decisions that were made a month ago. This is your baby too; don’t overlook the need to take a different approach and resist the urge to add more fuel to the fire.


September 21 – October 20

You need more out of this; either that or you need to expect less. It’s hard to say what’s going on. Instead of looking outside of yourself for the answer it would be good if you could become more self sufficient. Whether you know it or not, others weren’t born to make sure your life is working.  Whoever isn’t giving you enough has their own row to hoe. The need to make them responsible for your happiness denies the fact that true happiness comes from within. You are about to find out that we get what we want when we grow up enough to give it to ourselves.


October 21 – November 20

You are deceiving yourself if you think you can keep this up. It doesn’t take much to see that you don’t have the will or the means to go out on a limb. More than anything, you need to be realistic about who you are and what you can handle. To continue to persist when errors in judgment have already shown you how wise it would be to stop right here, will only create mountains of Karma. The last thing you need is more dues to pay so swallow your pride and leave this course of action before you lose the possibility of finding happiness in being satisfied with what you have.


November 21 – December 20

For too long you’ve done everyone’s thinking for them; at this point it may be OK to ease up and start thinking about yourself. Changes in the way things operate, along with a need to play watch dog for more than one person, place, or thing have shown you how much you’ve had it with the ‘leave it up to me’ routine. This isn’t news to any of you; but for the first time in your life you understand that it is less important for you to be all things to all people than it is to be your own person. Now that your experiences have opened your eyes, maybe you can get on with the show.


December 21 – January 20

If it isn’t one thing it’s another. You are no stranger to chaos. What’s great about this stretch of craziness is; it isn’t anything you haven’t seen before. In and around a few weeks of interference the long term picture is looking better than ever. For some reason whoever’s in charge is happy with the way you do things, and your spirits are higher than they’ve been in a while. Thankfully you’re never one to let false confidence get the best of you. If you can remain true to yourself and the task at hand, everything that you’ve built up will carry you to the finish line.


January 21 – February 20

You have people showing up who are here for a reason – but don’t get stuck on the idea that they need to stay. Sometimes we connect for short periods of time, to get a lesson, or a piece of information about ourselves, or an experience that is needed for the growth of each individual. If this rings a bell relative to your current situation, you’d be wise to cultivate enough detachment to embrace lessons in love that could turn out to be way more than you bargained for. The best advice I can give you would be to say let yourself have the experience, but don’t expect it to last.


February 21 – March 20

You are about to find out how important it is to expect the unexpected. If you’re already on the roller coaster, you’ve had enough uncertainty to last you a lifetime. For many of you, it’s totally OK to not know what’ll happen next because you were itching for a change and ready for something to come along and blow you away. For others, the feeling that you’re out of control is making it harder to go with the flow. No matter who you are, change is the operative word and the need for control needs to be exchanged for a willingness to let nature take its course.

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