On March 1, 2017

Lisa Ryan introduces self as candidate for Alderman

Dear Editor,

My name is Lisa Ryan and I am running for the Board of Aldermen in Rutland City. I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Temple University and master’s degree in mediation and applied conflict studies from Champlain College. I am 27 years old and I was raised in Rutland, having worked in different areas throughout Rutland County.

In recent years, I have coached the junior varsity women’s lacrosse team at my alumni school, Rutland High. I also spent much time serving as a panel member on the Restorative Justice Board and volunteering my conflict resolution skills at the Marble Valley Regional Correctional Facility.

I am currently employed at the Bardwell House in downtown Rutland, as the resident services coordinator. When I am not working, I am participating in different organizations and volunteering in my community. I am a founding member of the organizing group of the Rutland area NAACP [National Association for the Advancement of Colored People] and part of Rutland Young Professionals. As an active member of Project Vision, I am committed to keeping the community of Rutland safe and being a positive and reliable resource to others.

After returning from Philadelphia in 2011 I reconnected with my love for and pride in Rutland. I found it in my community — through building connections and friendships with neighbors and networking and socializing at local events.

I would like to become an alderman so that I can help Rutland’s citizens reconnect and maintain their love for and pride in Rutland! I promise to be an honest, responsible, and supportive image for the Rutland Community. If there is something about Rutland that is missing for you, please contact me to let me know what I can do to help.

Please vote at on March 7 and consider Lisa Ryan for alderman.

Lisa Ryan, Rutland

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