On February 22, 2017

Allaire best choice for mayor

Dear Editor,

On March 7 Rutland City voters choose our governing body for another two years. This year, especially, I ask everyone to think carefully for a moment before casting their vote. Rutland City needs a change of leadership! We need a leader who will actually listen to the people who elected him, not ignore how they vote and do what he wants.
Dave Allaire, candidate for mayor, has always listened to the citizens of this city. While we want to hear a candidate’s platform, nothing is more important than listening to the citizens’ concerns before rushing to judgement or making rash decisions. If Dave is elected mayor I know we can count on him to do the job without the arrogance we have witnessed over the last year. He proved to me that he listens to the citizens during the Woodstock Ave lane reconfiguration fiasco. I will be eternally grateful to him and Jeff Wennberg for showing common sense and responsibility to their constituents. Please join me in voting for the candidate who will sincerely listen to input rather than shut it down. Hope to see everyone at the polls on March 7!

Pam Johnson, Rutland

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