On August 3, 2016

Lisman will be a fresh start

Dear Editor,

As a financial official, I could list many reasons for choosing Bruce Lisman for Vermont governor over Phil Scott, in the Aug. 9 primary. Lisman has extensive financial experience and management skills which are needed in the governor’s office. The next governor will have a huge task in repairing our state government as the current administration has spent more than we can afford and created operational dysfunction.

However, there is another more compelling reason why I support Mr. Lisman: Montpelier needs a housecleaning in its top offices and in many of our legislative seats. The current political class in Montpelier, regardless of party affiliation, has largely become stale and focused more on sustaining itself than making positive change for Vermonters. We need government that works for the people, not the other way around.

Lisman offers a fresh start for Vermont because he is not a part of the political class like his opponents in either party. He will bring the most talented managers he can find into state government, not those he knows or owes favors. I strongly support Mr. Lisman to be our next governor, due to his willingness to challenge the status quo and use his skills to alter the path we are on. I hope you join me in voting for a new direction with Bruce Lisman.

Wendy Wilton, Rutland

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