Horoscope Archives, Horoscopes

Your Weekly Horoscope: March 13-19, 2024


March 21 – April 20

With Mercury in your sign for the next two months you have the chance to understand yourself a bit better. Get curious! What makes you tick? How might you like to improve personally? What do you want to learn more about? Whatever it is that pops into your mind, explore it. Caution though – don’t take on more than what you have the energy for. A frazzled mind generally isn’t good at making smart choices.


July 21 – August 20

Some relief arrives this week as Mercury lights up your discovery and travel zone for the next two months. This week, start making plans around what you want in this part of your life which may include any study plans too. Don’t overlook the details. Initiate conversations or do the required research so when the time is right, you can confidently head in the right direction. Relationships may be tricky territory so avoid creating unnecessary drama.


November 21 – December 20

Life at home may begin to feel a little bit sweeter this week. This may come as welcome relief as it’s been tricky to find a solid foundation or there have been obstacles to surmount. While things may be far from perfect, things will sure feel better at least. Mercury activates your fun zone, reminding you that while you may have some challenges to do battle with, that’s no excuse to not have a good time along the way.


April 21 – May 20

Your patron planet, Venus, will move into your friends zone this week. Thus, making time for your friends and social networks both online and in real life has cosmic support now. If you’re stressed or worried about something, talking it over with a trusted friend will be just what you need. Also, time with friends can provide a much-needed distraction, helping you get out of your own head too. Problems shared can be problems halved.


August 21 – September 20

Relationships have been a bit tricky recently when it comes to figuring out your limits and setting boundaries. Go too far in one direction and things feel tough and rigid. Go too far in the other and it feels like you’re simply giving way too much. Now that Venus has arrived, chances are you’ll find the perfect Goldilocks “just right” balance. Lean into sweetness and connection and things will feel so much better.


December 21 – January 21

Giving some thought to home and family matters comes into focus this week. Mercury in your Home Zone for the next two months is likely to shift some of your priorities as well as family logistics and communication among family members. Before things really get set to be churned up here, start taking some action around what you’d like to see happen regarding your domestic situation. Changing your mind and things happening faster than you think are possible.


May 21 – June 20

With your personal planet in your luck and friendship zone for the next two months, you can expect that much fortune can come your way. Fortune in the sense of not so much what you know, but whom. Rubbing shoulders with the right people can literally change your life right now. As you embrace new people into the fold, be prepared to let old friendships fade, if required. Also, be seen in your best light at work.


September 21 – October 20

There’s so much about yourself you’ve tried to actively change in recent months. Some people have supported these changes, while others have struggled as you’ve let go of old habits and patterns. Now, it’s time for you to practice clear communication about what you want and need in relationship. Now that you’re thinking differently about so much to do with life and love, don’t leave someone special in the dark about what is on your mind.


January 21 – February 20

As Venus leaves your sign this week, take this as your reminder to continue to be gentle on yourself. Thanks to Venus’ exit, you’re left with Mars and Pluto in your sign which is likely not going to feel great. Try and harness this energy for good by taking care of your body, mind and spirit. Don’t neglect your physical fitness and avoid using retail therapy about what isn’t going right in your life right now.


June 21 – July 20

It’s time for you to show up with more confidence when it comes to your career and life direction. With Mercury in your professional zone for two months, give some thought about what you want in this area of your life. It won’t be long before eclipses shake this up. So before that happens, get a rough plan about what you want so you don’t end up on the back foot.


October 21 – November 20

Finding the sweet spot between your duties and obligations and living the good life may be a challenge this week. It will really depend on what your priorities are at the moment. If love, romance and children need your attention, then give it. If you really need to tighten up your schedule or pay attention to tasks you’ve been avoiding, then that’s what you need to do. A combination of the two may be necessary.


February 21 – March 20

Finally, some sweet relief comes your way in the form of Venus in your sign. It’s been a year now since serious Saturn entered Pisces and the hard work, the challenges and the obstacles you’ve overcome start to pay off. If it’s possible, reward yourself! Do something nice for yourself or let other’s do something good for you. Luxuriate a little bit! Also, start making some decisions regarding your finances, too!


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