On December 4, 2024

A debate on the future of Vt’s house leadership

Dear Editor,

As we look toward the 2025-2026 biennium, an important conversation is unfolding in Vermont about our state’s leadership in the State House.

Previously, the speaker of the House position was selected internally and did not involve Vermont’s voters directly. This year, however, the White River Valley Chamber – in conjunction with the Chandler Center and Representative Jay Hooper – is planning to host a public debate on Dec. 14 at the Chandler in Randolph to allow current Speaker Jill Krowinski (D- Burlington) and challenger Representative Laura Sibilia (I-Dover) to discuss their visions for the future of Vermont. Following the recent election that saw Vermonters vote out 18 Democrats in the house and 6 in the senate, this is a fresh opportunity for these representatives to speak directly to their constituents to ensure they understand the needs of everyday Vermonters.

Unfortunately, Speaker Krowinski has not yet agreed to participate after first consenting to the debate. If her decision stands, it would be an unfortunate turn of events for all involved, especially for the voters who have not felt well-represented by the legislature in recent years. As a native Vermonter, I’m encouraged by the possibility of this debate to learn more about the candidates, ask questions, and get more of our citizens involved in the legislative process.

Please support this initiative for a future where we all work together to ensure our state’s leadership reflects the needs of Vermonters. 

Jamie Gage, Bethel

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