On October 2, 2024

Remembering Matt Roberts

Dear Editor,

Matt Roberts’ passing last week is a loss for our entire Killington community. He was a wonderful human being who dedicated his life to his family, to his work and to the Great Outdoors of Vermont.

Matt was one of a kind. Our entire team [at skionskioff.com] worked with Matt for the last fifteen years here in Killington and he NEVER called in sick, he NEVER blew us off and he never COMPLAINED.

During our winter seasons here in Killington, year after year, Matt always showed up. He reported to duty for every snow storm, he worked through rain and ice storms, he braved the Historic Floods of Irene and July 2023 with us, shoulder to shoulder. Matt worked through the oppressive heat and humidity of our summers. He faced our daily challenges with a calm commitment to excellence, dedication and perseverance.

Matt could do it all. He was the handyman extraordinaire! Matt was an outstanding hot tub mechanic. He was a fabulous painter and sheet rocker. Matt was the ultimate team player. Matt excelled in fixing problems, big or small, with a steady hand and a kind voice of reassurance to those in need.

Matt had a special way with people. He touched thousands of Rental Clients here in Killington with a caring and helping hand, consistently, always promoting our beautiful Killington experience.

Matt helped just about every vendor here in Killington to make their job easier, to assist, to guide and to simply be available to make any service call an enjoyable experience for our vendors. Matt had a deep sense of Pride in his work, for his surroundings and environment and for the greater Killington area.

Matt knew very well that every opportunity to make a resort guest happy or satisfied, in a challenging situational call for help or service, represented a greater opportunity to improve the area that he loved and cherished. Matt’s dedication and care with our owners and visitors created lasting memories and experiences where guests felt good about their visit and were quick to plan their return trip.

Many of the clients and visitors that Matt serviced and supported have gone on to become owners here at the resort and in Matt’s quiet, dedicated and caring ways, he has helped to grow our community for tomorrow and beyond.

There is a simple message that Matt’s legacy tells us all. When life deals you a bad hand, get to work and make it better. When you feel like blaming your troubles and problems on the rest of the world, get busy and get to work to work it out. And if you feel that the American dream is dead, think again because as Matt proved to this world, there is no obstacle or hurdle too large or high to prevent a persons dedication, work ethic, determination and pride from providing all of us a sustained path to success in any endeavor we pursue in life!

Thank you, Matt, for helping us and leading the way to understanding the power of getting busy, staying focused, working hard, being determined and loyal to us and yourself.

While we honor Matt and celebrate his life, we are all blessed by the example of hope, leadership and success that Matt demonstrated to us on a daily basis. We are sad to see Matt go and at the same time, we are blessed by his example of how to get busy, how to work hard, how to be determined and how to succeed! Thanks, Matt Roberts. Rest in Peace!

Kevin O’Neill, Killington

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