On September 11, 2024

Please reach out to John Rodgers

Dear Editor,

While living in Wolcott, I had the pleasure of having John Rogers, who is now running for lieutenant governor, serve as my state senator. During this time, I corresponded with him on numerous occasions regarding legislation. Although we may not have always seen eye-to-eye on every issue, John Rodgers always made the time, even if it meant a phone call, to listen to my concerns.

Rodgers is a true leader who I believe Vermont needs. On Day One, he will roll up his sleeves and listen to all Vermonters as individuals, not just members of a political party. Rodgers has a long history of advocating for the “Vermont View” — I feel that’s an approach focused on bettering the state for the sake of ALL VERMONTERS, rather than serving special interests, lobbyists, or any one political party.

Key areas Rodgers can lead important discussions and drive positive change include cleaning our waterways, rethinking fiscal responsibilities, spurring responsible housing developments that don’t continue polluting our waterways, and advancing environmental conservation.

I encourage you to reach out to John Rodgers directly with any questions you may have. He will be sure to respond. 


Jeremy Ayotte, Fletcher

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