On September 11, 2024

Moats misses a generation:Gen Jones

Dear Editor,

In David Moats’ opinion piece “True generational change in view” published in the Sept. 4-10 edition, he completely misses an important part of the equation: Generation Jones (born 1954-1965, between Boom & X). Gen Jones has become a widely-embraced concept/term as this, among many websites, clearly show: GenJones.net. 

There have been articles about Gen Jones in USA Today, Newsweek and The New York Times just in recent weeks, in addition to hundreds of earlier articles in prominent media across the globe. 

No, Obama isn’t part of Gen X; he’s part of Gen Jones, a term he has specifically used to describe himself. Harris and Walz are part of Gen Jones as well. To write a piece like this in 2024 and not even mention Gen Jones suggests that either no research was done, or research was done but the writer chose to pretend to his readers that there are only two generational options for Harris/Walz, when there are obviously three (Boom/Jones/X). Either way, it doesn’t exactly shout competent or credible journalism or writing.


Robert Williams Jr., Bridgewater

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