On August 14, 2024

Why Kennedy in ’24?  Physics

Dear Editor,

A third party always challenges the dual-mode of the scales, up and down. The dual-mode (“two party system”) has dominated America since John Adams was president. Picture a fist fight. Dramatic, sure. Useful? To vested interests, very. You get the drama. Vested interests pocket the dharma: the money and influence. The power. 

The same John Adams was a principal American political system architect, and the “two party” thing wasn’t part of it. In fact, he bent Franklin’s arm so that we’d have a senate, which effectively serves as a third body (senate, congress, and executive) to help defeat the very statics that the “two party system” causes (after the drama — read Thomas Carlyle).  It is either one of the two scales weighing the other down (Democrats or Republicans). A third party turns scales into merry-go-rounds, such that one scale end doesn’t cause the other to dangle in the air, deadlocked (where the one on the ground laughs, “Ha! Ha! Ha!”).  You’ll get three scales as they bounce around. They never touch the ground. 

Translated to politics, that means all three danglers must communicate, since none can dominate. Talk, compromise, or die — politically. To stifle compromise even more, politicos invented filibusters to introduce partisan statics to hold the other side hostage, short term. 

Let’s see how long the Democrats or Republicans can hold their breaths for four years if Kennedy is elected.   

Despite Adams’ political hardware, politicians have found ways to turn two legislative houses and a president’s office into a scale. It is strictly the software on the hardware creating this monstrous scalar mess. There is nothing structural, constitutionally, to it, at all. It causes deadlock. This is terrific for vested interests; bad for you. 

A third party president — not being a slave to those parties, so thus, letting principle  be their master — would effectively force the majority members of the two party “system” (the duopoly)  to the table. 

Being at heart a man of principle — howsoever flawed — Kennedy will tell them what he wants at the table. 

And they’ll have to deliver. They won’t have any national or state committees to hide behind or audiences to entertain at the fist fight. There won’t be any. They’ll be clearly seen shaking hands across aisles too.

Who knows? Kennedy being the first independent president since Washington might peacefully move America to a third, even better, republic, without civil war. 

Steven Yaskell,
Mount Holly

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