In cartoons, when a turtle is spooked, it retreats into and closes up its shell. While used for comic effect, this imagery is based in fact – although not all turtles are capable of this protective feat. In the Northeast, three native turtle species have hinged shells: the Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii), the common musk…
Every generation has its fads and they produce some fond memories as you look back at what they were. I grew up in the ‘50s and ‘60s and will share with you some interesting fads from that time period. Drive-in movie theaters were very popular during those years. There was one located in Rutland Town…
Baseball has its Hall of Fame decorated with the green serpentine marble from the Rochester Quarry in Vermont. Football has a Hall of Fame. And the Basketball one is right down the way in Springfield, Massachusetts. But here in Vermont, our versions are a little different. We have the Vermont Ski & Snowboard Museum, which…
I have a poignant memory involving the song “Stone in Love,” released by the band Journey in 1981. I can’t tell you the exact date of my memory, but it probably coincided with the popularity of the aforementioned song, likely around my sophomore year of high school. The memory revolves around a weekend night in…