On August 7, 2024

Clarkson and White are proven leaders, addressing real needs

Dear Editor,

There are many acute problems crying for attention in the upcoming legislative session.  Affordability is a leading one that affects most Vermonters in one way or another. Families and individuals who would like to live in our communities are priced out due the lack of affordable housing. Businesses cannot fill open positions; hospitals, medical offices and schools struggle to attract highly qualified personnel; and many establishments must reduce hours or give up the ghost. We need effective, practical and realistic representatives who will be leaders in addressing the often complex and interrelated challenges behind this and other issues that appear to be intractable.

Windsor District State Senators Alison Clarkson and Becca White have proven to be invaluable in addressing these and other issues. Clarkson is an energetic, cheerful, and truly receptive majority leader. White has proven to be a real-world and effective young visionary for Vermont’s future. Both are remarkably approachable, as evidenced by active and immediate assistance for recent flooding issues.

We need senators who will truly react to the needs of constituents. Clarkson and White have been incredible in their responsiveness to flooding issues in the Weston and Ludlow areas.  Surrendering to partisan bickering freezes issues in place while those in need suffer, or if they have the wherewithal, leave the state. We need positive senators with a proven record to investigate and implement solutions. 

Housing is but one issue of many facing our state; other pressing issues include sustainable financing of K-12 education and the state college system, affordable childcare and family leave, data privacy, reproductive and marriage rights, and the immense issue of realistic and practical solutions for climate change and flooding resilience. 

Clarkson and White have been proven leaders for all of these matters. They are open to concerns, welcome input and provide outstanding constituent services. They have a vision for a better future. Please join me in voting for them in the primary and in November!

Peter Miller, Weston

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