On June 26, 2024

AJGA is a good fit for GMNGC

Dear Editor,

As many may know, this week was the annual AJGA (American Junior Golf Association) tournament at Green Mountain National Golf Course (GMNGC) here in Killington. It is a wonderful event bringing in families from around the world. I have been lucky enough to volunteer there for a number of years and I always feel like an ambassador for Killington town as I greet parents and players and ask  how they are enjoying their time here.

For some it’s their first time experiencing Vermont. For others, it’s their second or third time returning to this tournament. While they speak about how challenging the course is, they also talk about how they enjoyed exploring the area on their afternoon off. They are gracious and appreciative of the hospitality we show them as they stay in our local hotels and short-term rentals and visit our restaurants.

I was surprised and disappointed to hear a rumor that they would not be welcomed back next year. This seems like the perfect use of our municipal golf course to increase and celebrate tourism in the area. It comes at the perfect time of year when tourism is in our slow season and the restaurants are hurting for business. I hope the Select Board will see the benefit this tournament brings to Killington and continue to partner with AJGA for years to come. It would be a shame to lose this group and the enthusiasm they bring to town.

Stella Maher, Killington

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