On June 12, 2024

June: ‘bloom whereyou are planted’

June is usually thought of as the beginning of summer. School is out, we open our summer houses and maybe plan a vacation. I was given a book called “The Big Book of 30-Day Challenges” written by Rosanna Casper. It sat on a table for a long time with me just looking at it every day. I did not want another challenge, let alone chapter after chapter full of them. Finally, one night last week I opened it and I was surprised. It’s a book of ideas. Ideas to help you explore the things that interest you. I can build new behaviors and create healthy habits that stick. I can become productive, creative and inspired. The power of discipline, self control and the development of good habits are lessons to be learned. All six chapters sound wonderful. I can choose between challenges in fitness, food, self care or maybe organization and productivity. I’m not really excited about this! However, June is the perfect time to bloom where I am planted so I am going to grow, thrive and be brilliant by working my way through this book.

I often mention books and that infers reading such books. There is value in reading. After all, a good book can teach us about a subject, take us around the world or just let us get lost in a story. Reading a book is a great way to relax. Believe it or not there are scientific backed reasons for making reading a regular part of your daily routine. Finding ways to relax and destress in today’s fast-paced world is a real challenge, but important. Reading is a tool and can cause a significant reduction in stress. That benefits our heart rate and blood pressure. Reading a book can help you sleep better. The various devices that are out there are great but they can trick your bodies natural sleep cycle making it hard to fall asleep. 

A plain old fashioned book does not have this downside and can relax you into a good night’s sleep. Reading a book keeps our mind active and engaged. Reading is a great way to give your brain the workout it needs. Any kind of reading is good but to slow down cognitive aging, try something challenging. Reading can also increase your empathy. Stories are a great way to walk in someone else’s shoes and give you a new perspective. A longer and happier life is a goal for all of us and after adjusting for a lot of variables, book readers were found to have advantages. If you don’t currently read a lot, joining the Sherburne Library’s Book Club is a good way to start. The group meets monthly and the discussions are interesting but not intimidating. This month’s selection is “People of the Book” by Geraldine Brooks. This is a historical fiction novel about a book conservator named Dr. Hannah Heath and her extensive research on the history of the Sarajeva Haggadah. Copies are available at the library and the group will meet on Wednesday, June 26, at 1 p.m. to discuss. If you’re asking “what is the Sarajeva Haggadah,” come check out the book and join the club!

The rare surviving 1%

Fact: 99% of the people born between 1929 and 1946 (globally) are no longer with us. If you were born in this time span (age 77-93) you are one of the rare surviving 1%. You are the last generation who spent childhood without television. Telephones, if you had one, were one to a house and hung on the wall in the kitchen. Internet and Google were words that did not exist. You weren’t neglected but were free to play outside. You felt secure in your future. You were the last generation to experience an interlude when there were no threats to our country. World War II was over and the cold war, terrorism, global warming and perpetual economic insecurity had yet to haunt life. 

You grew up in the best possible time, a time when the world was getting better.

Eat bananas

Here are 10 impressive health benefits of a bunch of bananas. First, they are a powerhouse of nutrients. A banana is like a natural multi-vitamin. A medium sized banana contains about 9% of the recommended daily intake of potassium, which helps to regulate blood pressure. A diet rich in bananas is good for your heart. Bananas can make you feel good because they contain dopamine. The carbohydrate in a banana offers energy for athletes and the high fiber content can help with weight management. Bananas are not rich in calcium but they aid in the absorption of calcium. Vitamin A protects your eyes and maintains normal vision and you guessed right if you think bananas are a good source. So the next time you are in the grocery store pick up that yellow curve of fruit and and take another step toward good health.

Library offerings

Sherburne Library has several events planned just for seniors this summer. Storytime will be Thursday, June 20 at 1 p.m. Gaming is July 18 at 1 p.m. and Laughter is scheduled for Aug. 22 at 1 p.m. 

The regular Monday Matinee will start again this month with the usual popcorn. They start at 1 p.m.

The first outdoor summer concert on the library lawn will be Thursday, June 27, featuring Bloodroot Gap.

Our “Thoughts on Aging” group will meet on Wednesday, June 19. The topic will be the tools we use to keep ourselves safe and connected. There’s more to living our best life than going to doctor visits and taking our proper medications. This group has tackled tough topics each and every month. We all speak our mind and no one is judged for their opinion or lack of an opinion. All are welcome. Just bring an open mind and the promise that nothing said leaves the room.

Our weekly luncheons will continue on Thursdays through June. Then starting in July we will move back to Wednesdays. Remember we start at 11:30 a.m. and the cost is $5. It’s always nice to give the Lookout a round number so let me know if you are planning to join us.

Also look into Universal Class where you can access over 500 courses! Go to the library website (sherburnelibrary.org) and find Universal Class under the catalog and databases tab. Click on the picture, type in 257510 and then add your library card barcode number with no spaces. Put in your name, email and choose a password. Now you will have access to over 500 courses. There is no reason to be stuck in a rut when whatever we thought we wanted to know about is available to learn!

Three important types of movement

Some say walking and doing so many steps each day is the best thing we can do for ourselves. Now fitness gurus are advocating for three types of movement. The first is still walking, stretching and bending. The second is athletic movement. Third is social movement, such as dancing, that we do for fun or to connect with others. 

It’s important to think of movement in these three categories because our lives have become sedentary. We have so many muscles and tendons that we have to add things to basic walking. Loose pliable muscles mean better balance and stability. Some suggest exercise “snacks” like doing 10 squats every time you get a drink of water. Attach movements of any kind to things you do every day. You are probably saying “we have heard this before” and you would be right. However, I doubt many of you have heard of toe yoga.

This was new to me, but, as I read more, it makes sense. Toe yoga is focused on stretches and exercises that will make your toes stronger and more flexible. That translates into better balance and posture. Our feet really have our back and the rest of our body. They are our foundation and always under a lot of pressure. Toe yoga is various stretches and exercises that enhance foot strength and circulation. Look it up and see what you think.

Remember reach out to each other and be grateful. Love who you can. Help where you can and give what you can. Enjoy the month.

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