On May 29, 2024

Harrison announces candidacy for re-election

Jim Harrison of Chittenden announced his candidacy for a new term as state representative for the Rutland-11 district (Chittenden, Killington, Mendon, and Pittsfield). He was first appointed to the legislature in 2017 by Governor Phil Scott and has been re-elected to new terms since then.

Harrison is a member of the House Appropriations Committee, the panel that crafts the House version of the state budget and reviews other legislative bills that spend money. 

“I believe strongly in fiscal responsibility and understand the importance of living within our means,” said Harrison in a press release May 22. “Vermont taxes are high enough and we should avoid attempts to make them even higher.”

As a state representative, he has developed a reputation for being pragmatic by asking questions and working to improve bills. It will be this ability to probe and understand ramifications that will serve the state well going forward.

He also believes we need more balance in the Legislature. “Overriding gubernatorial vetoes on major bills does not serve Vermont well,” added Harrison.

The cost and financial transparency of Vermont’s education system are expected to be key issues in the coming year. He said, “This is not the time to walk away, but rather step up to the task, which is why I am announcing my bid for a new term.”

Harrison is known for his frequent updates and written communications. He also prides himself on being easily accessible to district residents.

Harrison and his wife Pat have have lived in Chittenden since 2006 and in Vermont for over 35 years. They have two adult children and five grandsons. His experience working with small businesses as the former president of the Vermont Retail & Grocers Association and administrator of the Vermont Specialty Food Association, will continue to help him find solutions going forward, he stated.

For more information visit: harrisonforvermont.com.

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