On March 6, 2024

H.132: Housing status anti-discrimination bill sorely needed

Dear Editor,

Vermont House of Representatives recently passed H.132, a vastly amended homeless bill of rights legislation (compared to the bill as originally introduced), which is now in the hands of the state Senate.

Afterwards, I had written to state Representative Tom Stevens, chair of the House General and Housing Committee, which had recently passed the bill out of its committee, to thank him and also members of both the committee as well as members of the House for the passage of H.132.

Many years ago, I had been among those who had testified before  the House General and Housing Committee, formerly House General, Housing and Military Affairs, concerning the need of homeless bill of rights legislation and why its passage was so very crucial as well as being sorely needed.

It is my hope that the state Senate will also pass the bill as passed by the House and that the Governor will sign it into law.

Although it goes without saying that the passage and the signing of this particular bill into law would merely be one small — yet — step on behalf of those living unhoused within Vermont, in my opinion, it would still be an important and vital step taken.

It is hoped that other equally crucial, important and vital steps will continue to be taken to address the other very real and most urgent needs of people living unhoused and ending homelessness within the state, sooner rather than later.

To help ensure that this hope will become a reality down the road, however, please urge members of the state Legislature and the Governor to do so as well.

Morgan W. Brown


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