On March 6, 2024

A tribute to Vermont’s submarine hero

Dear Editor,

A tribute to Torpedoman Henry Breault is planned for March 15 at 9:30 a.m. to honor the 100th anniversary of Submariner Breault receiving the Medal of Honor, a declared Vermont resident to which the state of Vermont received credit. Representative Michael Morgan of Grand Isle-Chittenden District is initiating a Legislative resolution to honor Torpedoman Henry Breault, the first submariner and only enlisted submariner to receive the Medal of Honor. The event is to take place at the Vermont State Capitol in the House of Representatives in Montpelier.

The 15th of March date was chosen for this event as the Vermont legislature will be in recess on the 8th of March, the actual date in 1924 when the Medal of Honor was presented to Torpedoman Breault by President Calvin Coolidge. All veterans are encouraged to attend the resolution reading at 9:30 a.m. at the Capitol building, House of Representatives, especially Navy veterans to show their support of one of their own.

A group of active duty submariners from the Naval Submarine Base, Groton, Connecticut, and the Vermont Submarine Veterans Green Mountain Base members of the U.S. Submarine Veterans are planning on attending this memorable event.

C. William Mattoon, Springfield, Green Mountain Base Submarine Veterans Commander

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