On February 21, 2024

Time to pay it forward

Dear Editor,

I am the current chair of the Mountain Views Supervisory Union (MVSU) School Board. I am also a Woodstock resident, a parent of three children who graduated from our schools, a grandparent of a PreK student at WES, and an educator who taught for 39 years in the school district. At the vote for the new school at town meeting on March 5, 2024, I will be voting “Yes.”

The School Board appreciates the supportive and complimentary statements we have heard about our teachers and staff. We sincerely thank the many people who asked great questions about the new school and we have attempted to answer all questions honestly and clearly. We are convinced the best and most practical option is a new school building and we are committed to securing the funding.

For eight years, countless hours by many school board members, administrators, teachers, staff, students and the public have reviewed and refined the design. We are design and permit ready with a strong expectation of opening the doors in the fall of 2026.

After attending many meetings across our school community, most agree that a new building is necessary. Yes, a new building will be a significant investment, but it is well worth making.

Its time has now come. We are asking the taxpayers to contribute their share to help fund a building that can stand the test of time and last for 70-plus years. It will have a capacity for up to 600 students. It will be a modern building with the latest technology in air quality, heating, and lighting. It will provide teachers and students right-sized classrooms for today’s educational practices.

Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Let’s provide our children and grandchildren a place to learn and improve our world. It’s time to move forward and get it done.


Keri Bristow, Mountain Views School District Board Chair

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