On February 7, 2024

Gieda for Select Board 

Dear Editor,

I am Andrew Gieda and I am running for Select Board. Most people know me as a builder, I’ve built homes and condos. I know how to repair almost anything. I’ve been fixing things for a long time. That is why I am asking you to vote for me. We have lots of problems and issues that are hurting this town. I believe I should be your representative to fix these problems.

The reason why I am running is because I care about this community. Twenty years ago I came here and started a business. I saw the potential and knew this is where I wanted to raise my family. I am proud to live here but these days I am questioning the direction the board is taking our town. The lack of transparency and unwillingness to face the problems without egos involved or personal feelings are ruining this community and I am demanding change.

Some of our town officials don’t want you to see, hear, or talk about the issues facing our town.

They want to run it their way on their own terms. Between the dismantling of the Killington Search & Rescue and punishing/firing those who spoke out against the former fire chief who was abusive, this current board clearly doesn’t care about those who have dedicated themselves to volunteering for this town for years. Many of those volunteers would like to return to help the fire department. But the current board would rather use your tax dollars to hire more people to fill those vacant positions than bring back some of those who would do it for free and have decades of experience.

To me, that makes no sense.

Perhaps it’s the egos of some current Select Board members who are preventing any progress in this town and keeping this current fire department from thriving?

My vision for the fire department, if I am elected, is to apologize formally (on behalf of the town) to the people who served for decades as volunteers to this community.

I will restore justice, eliminate the unfair blacklist that these volunteers were put on, and ask them to come back and join this town in the effort to rebuild this community.

Andrew Gieda,

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