On January 3, 2024

Rotarians thank Ludlow community for support in 2023

Dear Editor,

The Ludlow Area Rotary Club thanks the residents and businesses of the greater Ludlow area for their support in 2023. Our club is a part of Rotary International which is one of the largest service organizations in the world. The mission of Rotary is to “provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace. ” As a result of your support, we were able to spread this mission by supporting members of our community and beyond. Our annual penny sale and chili cook off were hugely successful allowing us to support local projects and scholarships. We support local organizations such as Mountainside House with grants for needed projects.

It might be of interest to the community to know some of the ways we have supported this mission both locally and internationally. This year our neighbors both near and far were challenged by major storms. After July’s torrential rain and devastating flooding, Rotary became the fiscal agent for a collaborative effort with the Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce. In addition, we donated substantial money to the Ludlow Enterprise Fund, to Black River Good Neighbors and the Cavendish Family Fund. We quickly secured dehumidifiers that were distributed through the Ludlow Disaster Relief Center. Representatives of the club participated on the flood relief committee to assure financial help was distributed equitably.

To help with clean-up efforts after the flood, we contributed gear and a kayak to the Black River Action Team. Some members of the club went into the trenches, helping with clean-up efforts in homes and businesses. We also financially supported fellow citizens of our country who experienced devastating wildfires in Lahaina, Maui.

Outside our local area we provide support to Rotary International to help eradicate polio in the world. Rotary International is making great progress in this area and the world is 99% polio free.  We also supported the Montreal Club in their efforts to bring water and sanitation to over 33,000 beneficiaries in Ghana.

We support an international student exchange program that places high school students in local homes for a year in a foreign country where they can immerse themselves in a different culture to promote world understanding. Annually, we provide scholarships to deserving graduating seniors from the communities we serve, Ludlow, Cavendish and Mount Holly helping them access post high school educational opportunities.

We are thankful for all the support from the area and wanted to share with you what your generosity can do. The Ludlow Area Rotary Club meets on Tuesdays at DJ’s Restaurant in Ludlow.  If you are interested in more information on the club or are interested in joining please contact Kevin Barnes, membership chairman at (802) 228-8877, to receive an invitation to a meeting.

Brigid Sullivan, Ludlow

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