On November 8, 2023

Cragin’s Gun Shop in Rutland raises funds to fight back on gun laws 


Dear Editor,

In late June, The Vermont Federation of Sportsman Club announced it was building a war chest to file challenges against Vermont’s existing high-capacity magazine ban, as well as a new 72-hour waiting period that was just passed this year.  

We at Cragin’s Gun Shop in Rutland are confident that neither of these laws will pass constitutional muster under the Heller & Bruen decisions. 

Across Vermont, citizens who understand that their rights have been more than just infringed have stepped forward with donations to this fight, with over $230,000 collected so far.  

At Cragin’s Gun Shop, the owners conducted a raffle for a firearm on their own initiative, with all proceeds going toward the lawsuit, which raised almost $2,000.

It is through the selfless actions of the Cragins, and thousands of other Vermont individuals and businesses that we are going to challenge unconstitutional laws —  and win.

For more information visit: vtfsc.org.

John Cragin Jr; John Cragin Sr and Chris Bradley, Rutland

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