On May 10, 2023

GunSense celebrates progress of suicide prevention bill

Dear Editor,

GunSense Vermont, the state’s leading organization working to reduce gun violence, is thrilled to celebrate the recent Vermont Senate passage of H.230, a suicide prevention bill. This critical legislation, which has now passed the Vermont House and Senate with overwhelming support, will help save lives by creating a 72-hour waiting period and safe storage laws. 

Gun violence is a public health crisis that affects every community in Vermont. The majority of suicide deaths in Vermont are caused by firearms. 

H.230 will help prevent suicide by giving individuals in crisis time to consider their options and access resources and support.

 H.230 will also require that firearms be stored securely to prevent unauthorized access by a minor or other vulnerable person. 

This is a critical step in preventing accidental shootings and reducing the risk of gun theft. 

By requiring safe storage, Vermont is taking a proactive step to keep our communities safe.

GunSense Vermont applauds the Vermont Senate for their leadership in passing this important legislation. 

We urge the legislature to reconcile their differences quickly to send the bill to Governor Scott. And we call on the governor to sign this critical legislation in the interest of public safety.

Conor Casey, executive director of GunSense Vermont.

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