On March 29, 2023

Stop bullying

Dear Editor,

I attended the Killington Select Board meeting on March 20 and all in all it was a well-attended meeting with people being calm and communicating, until Select Board member Jim Haff turned red in the face. He was abusive and bullied a member of the audience. This seems to be a pattern. 

He has, on a number of occasions, just lost it and yelled at people.

 It is a very poor showing for this town if a board member can treat people like he does. 

Shame on him for being the big bully he thinks is OK. There is no room for bullying in schools. There should be no room for it here at a meeting from an elected official. I call for the board to do something about his behavior. It should not be tolerated, ever.

Please stop his bullying, it does not teach what is right.

Left untouched this will lead to others thinking it is ok to treat others the way Jim Haff does, shame on him and anyone who lets it continue.

Steve Finer,


Editor’s note: Finer is a former Killington fire chief.

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