On March 7, 2023

Please vote ‘yes’ on TIF plan

Dear Editor,

While I am not a full time resident and cannot vote, I have been a property owner/stakeholder in Killington for 30 years. On March 7 we have an opportunity to take a critically important step forward. The economic reality is that without growth, stagnation and degration set in. We have all lived through this for too many years to recount in Killington. This is not to say that unchecked or unfiltered growth should be allowed. Fortunately, we have an engaged and concerned community that has and will certainly maintain the appropriate checks and balances as needed for responsible growth.

I applaud Jim Haff and the Select Board for their tireless efforts at orchestrating the proposed TIF Bond for the Killington road upgrades and public water system. The future growth of Killington road will likely include free market residences, employee housing, retail and eateries. 
As the developer of Winterberry, I can attest first hand to the impact of appropriate public/private enterprises. Without The Town of Killington efforts (Route 4 sewer bond) the Route 4 sewer would not have been built. Without the Route 4 sewer, Winterberry would not have been developed. Winterberry is a fabulous part of the Killington community and I am confident that whatever future development comes from the TIF initiated Killington Road upgrades, they too will add to the fabric of the community in both economic and other ways.
I urge all residents to vote on March 7, in favor of the proposed TIF initiative.


Mitch Broder, New Brunswick, New Jersey

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