On December 7, 2022

Itty-bitty committee says thanks

Dear Editor,

The Itty-Bitty Committee wants to thank all those who have been volunteering with decorating the Fair Haven Park. We had many folks share their creative talents with us in October making stick figures. The figures decorated the park throughout the month of October.

November saw the committee gather several times to create stick figure carolers for around the park. We wanted to expand outward this year and have two trees and two carolers at the north end of the park.  We added new lights and garland to the gazebo this year. A huge thank you to Jay Brown, who spent several days and countless hours hanging lights and then making sure they all worked.

The committee decided in October that we would celebrate our new holiday design with a tree lighting right after Thanksgiving.  Using the same format created by our friends on the Fair Haven concerts in the Park Committee, we invited Santa Claus to take a trip to Fair Haven to meet with the children in our community. The Fair Haven Volunteer Dept. made sure that Santa made it from the airport to the park safely and with a lot of fanfare. The children enjoyed visiting with Santa and one of his elves.  Many parents and grandparents were on hand to snap a photo or two.

Fred Capron and Brad Hunt worked as sound engineers with Fred taking on the role of emcee for the event.  We thank him for the use of the sound equipment that piped music throughout the park.  Members of the Itty-Bitty Committee dressed up for the event and served up some hot cocoa, cookies, and candy canes. A special thank you to the historical society for their donation of cookies and cups and to Jack and Jane Eaton for providing us with the hot water and jug to make the cocoa. Others we need to thank for their special help are Joe and Bree Gunter and all the community members who have donated lights and trees over the past several years.

The lights will be in the park until about mid-January, and we hope folks will take a little trip to see the lights and carolers.

Itty-bitty committee,
Fair Haven

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