On June 22, 2022

Elect Molly Gray to Congress

Dear Editor,

Vermonters have an opportunity to elect a uniquely qualified individual to represent us in Congress, a person with a broad set of skills and experiences well matched to the requirements of Washington D.C. That person is our current Lt. Gov. Molly Gray. Molly grew up on a farm on the banks of the Connecticut River. After graduating from UVM, she went to work helping to elect our current Congressman Peter Welch, helped start his congressional ofice then worked for 3.5 years as the congressional affairs adviser to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in their D.C. Office. There she worked with Congress to promote U.S. compliance with the Geneva Conventions and support humanitarian assistance.

Molly has worked internationally as well and will be a champion for smart foreign policy and human rights. While working in the ICRC in Washington DC, she led field missions of congressional staff to Haiti, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Western Balkans and Georgia. She launched a human rights monitoring program and led its first missions into East Africa, Iraq and Nigeria. Later in her career, she competed a specialized legal masters degree in International Law from the Graduate Institute of International Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland. She worked to train local and national human rights organizations, worked with foreign leaders and U.S. Embassies abroad. She has navigated complex environments, challenging security and human rights issues.

Along the way, Molly earned her JD at Vermont Law School in South Royalton and was an assistant attorney general before being elected lieutenant governor. Molly Gray knows Vermont and knows how Washington works. She will be ready to hit the ground from day one and will represent us well from the moment she takes office. Molly gets things done!

Please join me in voting for Molly Gray at the upcoming Democratic primary and in the general election in November.

Rep. Jim Masland,
Thetford Center

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