One of the most wonderful things about being an astrologer is the access to tap into the magic of the universe – to have insight or wisdom into its rhythms and workings and what that might mean for us. One of the most valuable realizations is that time is not linear, it’s circular. While we are indoctrinated into the idea that time is something to quantify, in fact, it’s the quality of time that punctuates our lives. For example, one hour with a lover feels like a fleeting moment, versus that last hour at the office on a Friday waiting to see them.
When you understand the innate nature of time, it can help us make a certain kind of peace as to why things didn’t work out the way you expected — and this may be one of those weeks. As we stare down the barrel of the end of May, it hums a very similar tune to the end of April. There may be a detail you’ve overlooked, something you need to re-do or revaluate, a kink in the mechanics that needs ironing out. The issues that need revisiting won’t be wasted time.
Time is circular