On April 20, 2022

In defense of Trump

Dear Editor,

This is in response to Kem Phillips’ letter in the Mountain Times. It appears that Kem has bought into the endless media slander of the former president. In terms of results, President Trump did more for this country in four years than any in my lifetime, going back to Eisenhower.

He didn’t get us into a war, he destroyed ISIS, got us to energy independence as a country, grew the economy, had more minorities employed than ever, kept Russia and NOKO behaving, got NATO to pay what they had agreed to, and the list goes on and on.

They lied about Trump saying he colluded with Russia, (false) impeached him twice, (no convictions) and in spite of these distractions led the country and helped Americans create more success for themselves with his policies.

Many people believe, including me, that the election was not legitimate and many unconstitutional votes were counted that should not have been and there have been many instances of fraud as well. Indeed, President Trump would be negligent if he did not try to stop an illegitimate election. The traitors are those who lied about a president to try to undermine his authority or worse.

As far as abortion, life begins at conception and a heart beat starts soon after. If this were found on Mars, a declaration that life was found elsewhere would be made. This is not supernatural, it is entirely natural.

The problem with abortion is that an innocent life is taken because it is an inconvenience or not wanted. Who protects the innocents’ lives, if not the Republicans?

As far as democracy goes, we live in a constitutional republic, not a pure democracy. In a pure democracy, three wolves and a sheep vote on who is for dinner. In the constitutional republic, the sheep still has rights in spite of what the majority of wolves vote for.

George de Luna, Berkeley Heights, NJ

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