On February 25, 2022

Pomfret: vote ‘no’ on Article 2

Dear Editor,

Pomfret Voters: Please consider voting “No” on Article 2. [The article asks: Shall the voters change the 1-year terms of the two additional Selectboard members to staggered 2-year terms? (Note: If adopted, this article will take effect as of the 2023 annual meeting.)]

The premise for Article 2 is to avoid the potential for a three member sweep of the Select Board each year. The logic being that there might be only two veteran board members left and that would cripple the board. My question is, “How is that any different when we used to have a 3-member board?” For over a hundred years the town had managed to survive the concept of potentially having just two veteran board members.

There are two really good reasons to continue the way we are going.

First, the one year term gives residents the opportunity to “dip their toes” in the water to see if it works for them. I can name at least six people who tried a Select Board position because of the one year terms (myself included). As busy as we all are, it is hard for some people to commit further than year to year. So, it opens the pool of potential candidates and gives them a chance to guide their lives.

The second reason is that by Vermont Statute there is no way for the voters to remove a Select Board member except by voting them out at the end of their term. The only prescribed way a Select Board member can be replaced is because of death, mental incapacity, or being convicted of violating civil or criminal law. So, if a Select Board is acting abhorrently the voters could potentially vote in a new majority voting bloc each year if so desired. Or, at least affect the direction since there would always be three open positions each year.

The one year terms are working, let’s continue them.

Thanks for reading,
Frank Perron, Pomfret

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