On November 24, 2021

Let’s beat this thing!

Dear Editor,

The Rutland region has been running an elevated number of Covid cases. It has never been more important that we all pull together to reduce spread and end this pandemic. It is essential for our health, well-being, and our economy.

As we write this, the Legislature and governor are discussing plans to allow municipalities to have the option to institute their own mask requirements. Aside from this, let’s look at what WE can do as a community to help.

You know the drill:

  • Get the vaccine or a booster if you are eligible. It may not be foolproof, but it has been shown to reduce risk of serious illness and death. Arranging vaccination is EASY through state clinics and pharmacies.
  • All of us should wear a mask when visiting indoor public places. It doesn’t take a mandate to follow commonsense. When shopping or visiting public places indoors, wear a mask to help protect yourself and others. It’s that simple. We give credit to stores and other places that ask all visitors to mask with large and clear signs at their entrance and make available masks to those that forgot one.
  • Take extra precautions at all gatherings, especially with the upcoming holidays. Limit large group activities and observe social distancing.
  • If you develop Covid, check with your health care provider to see if you should be taking monoclonal antibodies, which can reduce the probability of hospitalization.
  • Get tested if you believe you have been exposed or experience symptoms.

The sooner we all practice commonsense mitigation measures, the sooner life as we knew it some 20 months ago, will return. We can beat this!

Rep. Jim Harrison, Rep. Bill Canfield, Rep. Larry Cupoli, Rep. Peter Fagan, Sen. Cheryl Hooker, Rep. Mary Howard, Rep. Stephanie Jerome, Rep. Pattie McCoy, Rep. Logan Nicoll, Rep. Butch Shaw, Rep. Linda Joy Sullivan, Rep. Kirk White

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