On September 8, 2021

Featured Pets for Sept. 8-14, 2021

2-1⁄2-years-old. Female. English Bulldog mix. Brindle and white. I am an easy going gal that may seem a little on the lazy side but don’t be fooled, I enjoy brisk walks and need regular exercise with a careful diet to stay trim.

Rutland County Humane Society, 765 Stevens Road, Pittsford, VT • (802) 483-6700 • Tues. – Sat. 12-5p.m. Closed Sun. & Mon. • www.rchsvt.org

Thatcher is a tall and slender, handsome 1-year-old kitty. Thatcher is a very curious boy that loves to explore the great outdoors, and if he had a feline buddy to accompany him he would be even more happy! Don’t have another cat, Thatcher has made many feline friends while here so why not adopt two? To come meet this sweet boy and some of his friends please go to our website to fill out a cat application give us a call.

Springfield Humane Society, 401 Skitchewaug Trail, Springfield, VT • (802) 885-3997 •  *Adoptions will be handled online until further notice. spfldhumane.org

“I’m a 4-year-old neutered male. I am thankful a sweet soul found me for I have been able to receive the medical care I needed. You see, I have a disease the humans call Progres- sive Retinal Atrophy. I’ve probably had it since birth, but the hard part about this disease is it gets worse with time, so while I am not fully blind right now, I will be blind in the future. However, this disease is not painful. I am an affec- tionate, friendly guy — I just soak up the attention! Though, I must admit, I do have moments of frustration. Patience and perhaps keeping the furniture arranged the same way is key. So, if you have room in your heart and home, call us.”

Lucy Mackenzie Humane Society, 4832 VT-44, Windsor, VT • (802) 484-5829 •  *(By appointment only at this time.) Tues. – Sat. 12-4 p.m. & Thurs. 12-7 p.m. • lucymac.org

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