On June 9, 2021

Killington Elementary School paves over imagination in favor of a parking lot 

Dear Editor,

Kids’ Kingdom is a destination playground. Countless families, including my own, have become acquainted over the years at Kids’ Kingdom. Words that are often heard exclaim joy, admiration, and envy of such an amazingly fun, well built, and creative structure. Upon meeting new friends, my own children proudly proclaim, “This is OUR school.”

It is outrageous that this spectacular playground should be dismantled and replaced by a parking lot; furthermore, the only sports field will be destroyed to be replaced with a play structure that is simple and expensive. Apparently, these changes are for the 3- to 4-year-old students. 

Here’s the problem, in the blink of an eye that 4-year-old is 6, 7, 8…. What about the 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12-year-old students?

Feeling sure that my son was exaggerating or over-reacting to the proposed changes when he came home in tears, I assured him that he must have been mistaken, because it seemed unthinkable that the Kingdom would be paved over and the sports field destroyed, to be replaced with a run-of-the-mill, small, new structure.

The Kids’ Kingdom is a play structure that inspires creativity and imagination. The playground represents the school. It is a statement about our values. It speaks to creativity, outdoor pursuits, and adventure. Our town is a destination for outdoor recreation, why should our school be represented by a parking lot? 

Thank you,

Kate DeFrancesco-Sias, Killington

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