On October 28, 2020

Too expensive for Vermont

Dear Editor,

Why is Vermont’s rental housing so expensive in relation to income?

Why are neighboring states’ economies much better than Vermont’s?

Why are Vermont’s taxes near the highest in the country?

Why does Vermont rank as the least friendly business state?

Why is Vermont the most expensive state for retirees?

This is not by accident nor a coincidence. The truth is the progressives’ policies are failing Vermont. People are struggling more now than any period in my lifetime. Food shelters are struggling to meet demands. The legislators completely undermined our governor by over-riding his veto of the Global Warming Solutions Act because he realized it was going to hurt lower and middle income families. Are you aware that to meet its requirements all fossil fuel using equipment must be eliminated including snowmobiles, ATVs, motor boats, gas and diesel powered vehicles, lawn mowers, furnaces, and boilers? Even propane barbecue grills must go. An 80% reduction in emissions must occur, otherwise people can sue the state to comply. Has your legislators told you what the GWSA means to you?

Then the Democrats run an ad saying “Position Vermont for Economic Recovery.”

How does that happen with high taxes, expensive housing costs, the loss of good paying jobs, and soon to be unaffordable energy costs? What is next in their misguided agenda?

I sure hope we don’t find out because their economic recovery is just too expensive for Vermont.

Keith Stern(I)

Candidate for state senate, North Springfield

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