On October 7, 2020

Your vote does count

Dear  Editor,

My letter is addressed to my Vermont friends who are ATV, snowmobile, and motorcycle enthusiasts and who do not vote. Many of you say it doesn’t matter. “My vote doesn’t count,” you insist. Sadly, I have heard these sentiments from gun owners and hunters, too.

The Vermont Legislature has passed the Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA) by countering the governor’s veto. It is now the law. This new law will do nothing to stop climate change. But it will put an end to many of your traditions, hobbies, and most consequentially, your ability to make a living. The government will appoint a 23-member Climate Council, which will decide how exactly these targets will be met. Vermont state government already has enough highly paid unaccountable bureaucrats.

The only way that the government can forcefully reduce emissions is by decreasing the use of fossil fuel-based goods and services through higher taxes, fees, fines and penalties. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that soon we will have to say goodbye to our lawn mowers, chain saws, and weed whackers. Say goodbye to your diesel and gasoline powered trucks and just about anything powered by an internal combustion engine. And, is your heating fuel too expensive now? You haven’t seen anything yet!

You cannot, in good conscience, still believe that your vote doesn’t count. If your state senators and representatives voted in favor of the GWSA, then they voted against your ability to live in Vermont. The good news is that you have the opportunity now to vote them out of office. In Windsor County, this general election, you can elect new voices like Keith Stern, Michael Jasinski and Jack Williams  as your state senators. Vermonters deserve economically literate and constitutional state senators who will help us build a prosperous and resilient future.

It is past time to say goodbye to entrenched and crusty politicians. Vote now by mail to bring positive change for everyday Vermonters, or in person on Tuesday, Nov. 3.

Stu Lindberg, Cavendish

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