On September 30, 2020

Factory farmed animals are suffering

Dear Editor,

While we debate the composition of our nation’s Supreme Court, there can be no debate about the supreme suffering taking place in our nation’s factory farms.

Recent undercover investigations show male baby chicks suffocated in plastic garbage bags or ground alive because they can’t lay eggs. Laying hens are packed into small wire cages that tear out their feathers. Breeding sows spend their entire lives pregnant in metal cages.

Dairy cows are artificially impregnated each year, and their babies are snatched from them at birth, so we can drink their milk.

I found more details at dayforanimals.org – World Farmed Animals Day, launched in 1983 to memorialize the tens of billions of animals tormented and killed for food. I learned that raising animals for food is also hurting our health and the health of our planet.

Each of us has to choose whether to subsidize these atrocities with our food dollars. My choice has been to replace animal products in my diet with the healthful, cruelty-free plant-based meats and dairy products, as well as the rich selection of fruits and vegetables offered by my supermarket. A quick internet search provided lots of recipes and sound advice.


Mario Vincelette, Rutland

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